PRTG Manual: Channel Settings
A sensor has one or more channels in which it handles the actual monitoring data. In the channel settings, you can define how to display the data from the sensor's different channels displayed in graphs, gauges, and tables. Additionally, the channel data can determine the sensor status. Use the limit settings to define desired sensor states for values.
On the sensor's Overview tab, click below a gauge to change the channel's settings. Click below a gauge to make this channel the primary channel of the selected sensor.
You can also open the settings of a channel by clicking
in the channels data table.For lookup channels, we recommend that you stay below 120 lookup values to get expressive gauges. For non-primary lookup channels, the upper limit is around 40 lookup values.
The available options are nearly the same for all sensors. An exception applies to the Downtime channel, which PRTG automatically calculates and which does not offer all settings. Channels with absolute values additionally have an option to define the Value Mode. Custom channels have a Lookups and Limits setting to distinguish between alerting by lookups or numeric limits.
You can choose a different channel via the dropdown list at the top of the channel settings list.
Setting |
Description |
Name |
Enter a name for the channel. The name appears in graphs and tables.
Unit |
This setting is only visible for custom sensors. Enter the unit for the values that this sensor returns. Enter a string.
Scaling Multiplication |
This setting is only visible for channels with a custom unit. If you want to multiply the received raw data by a certain value, enter the multiplier. Otherwise, use the default value 1 to not change the received value. Enter an integer. For example, the following sensors provide the scale factor for received values with custom units in their settings:
Scaling Division |
This setting is only visible for channels with a custom unit. If you want to divide the received raw data by a certain value, enter the divisor here. Otherwise, use the default value 1 to not change the received value. Enter an integer. For example, the following sensors provide the scale factor for received values with custom units in their settings:
ID |
Shows the ID of the channel. PRTG uses it for unique identification. For example, you need the ID for Sensor Factory sensors. There are a few special, fixed channel IDs.
Limits |
This setting is not available for custom channels. Define if you want to set limits for this channel:
Lookups and Limits |
This setting is only available for custom channels. Define when the sensor shows the Down status and alerts you, either based on the lookup definition or based on limits for returned values:
Lookup |
This setting is only visible for custom sensors and if you select lookups-based alerting. Select the lookup file that you want to use with this channel.
Upper Error Limit ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits above. Specify an upper limit for the Down status. If the channel values exceed this value, the sensor shows the Down status. Enter a valid number into at least one of the limit fields.
Upper Warning Limit ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits above. Specify an upper limit for the Warning status. If the channel values exceed this value, the sensor shows the Warning status. Enter a valid number into at least one of the limit fields.
Lower Warning Limit ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits above. Specify a lower limit for the Warning status. If the channel values fall below this value, the sensor shows the Warning status. Enter a valid number into at least one of the limit fields.
Lower Error Limit ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits above. Specify a lower limit for the Down status. If the channel values fall below this value, the sensor shows the Down status. Enter a valid number into at least one of the limit fields.
Error Limit Message |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits above. Enter an additional message. PRTG adds it to the sensor message when the sensor shows the Down status. Enter a string or leave the field empty. |
Warning Limit Message |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable alerting based on limits above. Enter an additional message. PRTG adds it to the sensor message when the sensor shows the Warning status. Enter a string or leave the field empty. |
Graph Rendering |
Select if you want to show this channel in data graphs:
Table Rendering |
Select if you want to show this channel in data tables:
Line Color |
Select the color of the channel display in graphs:
Color (#rrggbb) |
This setting is only visible if you select Manual above. Enter a color in hexadecimal notation as in .html and .css files, or choose a color from the visual color selector. The field with the hexadecimal color value automatically changes to the color you select. |
Line Width |
Enter the width of the channel line in graphs. Enter an integer in pixels. The maximum line width is 25, but we recommend that you only use values between 1 and 7 to get optimal results. |
Data |
This setting is available for most channels. Define how to display data:
Maximum ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Display in percent of maximum above. Enter a value to use as the maximum. Consider the unit. PRTG calculates all percent values based on this value. Enter an integer. |
Value Mode |
This setting is only available for channels that return absolute values. Define which value type you want to display in historic data graphs and tables:
Define how many decimal places of the channel's data that you want to display in graphs and tables:
Spike Filter |
You can use a spike filter to correct faulty monitoring data. Sometimes, sensors report values that are enormously high or far too low. This can be because of an error in data transmission, or because of incompatibilities of the physical device you are monitoring. This can make graphs unreadable. A spike filter can compensate for these flaws. Define if you want to filter incoming data:
Spike Filter Max. Value ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable filtering above. Enter the maximum value to show in the channel data. PRTG disregards all data above this value in graphs and tables. Enter an integer or leave the field empty. |
Spike Filter Min. Value ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Enable filtering above. Enter the minimum value to show in the channel data. PRTG disregards all data below this value in graphs and tables. Enter an integer or leave the field empty. |
Vertical Axis Scaling |
Define how to display the vertical axis for the channel in graphs:
Vertical Axis Maximum ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Manual scaling above. Enter the maximum value to use on the vertical axis for the channel. Enter an integer. |
Vertical Axis Minimum ([unit]) |
This setting is only visible if you select Manual scaling above. Enter the minimum value to use on the vertical axis for the channel. Enter an integer. |
Click OK to save your settings and to close the settings window. Click Apply to save the changed settings while the Edit Channel window remains open, for example if you want to change the settings of other channels of the current sensor as well. You can select a different channel via the dropdown list above the settings. You can close the settings window without saving by clicking Cancel.
If you change any settings and either click Cancel or select a different channel via the dropdown list, PRTG asks you to confirm this step. Click Save to apply the changes or click Discard Changes to ignore the changes. PRTG closes the window or shows the settings of the selected channel respectively.
Absolute Values and Delta Values for Limits
The value type that you need to configure for limits depends on the type of data that the channel delivers:
Value Type |
Description |
Absolute values |
For channels that measure absolute values, for example, for free disk space, you must set limits with absolute values like 20. |
Delta values |
For channels that measure delta values, that is, measurements per second (x.xx/sec), you must set delta values according to the formula number of errors/scanning interval in seconds. |
For example, you have an SNMP Traffic sensor and want to receive an alert when the sensor reports errors:
- Set the sensor to the Warning status when 1 error occurs.
- Set the sensor to the Down status when 30 errors occur.
The following screenshot shows how to configure the limits for delta channels. You could set the following limits for the channel Errors In with a standard scanning interval of 60 seconds:
Because this channel uses per second (delta) measurements, the sensor reports a single error that occurs over a standard 60-second scanning interval as 0.016 # per second. So the warning limit for one single error within a scanning interval is 0.1 (errors/sec). To get an alert when there are 30 errors within a scanning interval, the limit needs to be 0.5 (errors/sec).
If no new errors occur in the next scanning interval, the sensor shows the Up status again. To make sure that you do not miss any notifications for this sensor, set a notification trigger with 0 seconds.
Under the channel gauge view on a sensor overview page, there is a channel list showing the active channels of a sensor listed alphabetically and data from each channel. The Downtime channel never shows any values. Sensors in the Paused status display No data in place of all data values or remain blank, regardless of whether there is historic data available. The data values are displayed again when the sensor is no longer paused.
Table Header |
Description |
Channel |
The name of the channel. |
ID |
The ID of the channel.
Last Value |
The most recent value of the channel recorded by the sensor. |
Minimum |
The lowest historic value recorded by the sensor. |
Maximum |
The highest historic value recorded by the sensor. |
The Minimum and Maximum values remain the same until one of two events take place:
- The value is replaced by another value that is less than or greater than the original, respectively.
- A PRTG cache recalculation is prompted, refreshing all values.
These values are cached and are not affected by historic data purges, making it possible to have a minimum or maximum value that is no longer recorded in the historic data.
What security features does PRTG include?
What is the Value Mode in channel settings?