PRTG Manual: Clone Object

If you want to duplicate an object with the same settings, you can clone it. Cloning is available for groups, devices, and sensors.


The following rules for cloning apply:

  • The new object takes over all settings of the original object. This means, for example, that an auto-discovery starts automatically on a cloned device if this setting is enabled on the original device.
  • A cloned device contains all objects of the original device, regardless of whether they produce working sensors or not. This often depends on the settings of the cloned device.
    i_round_blueThis behavior is different from creating a device template.
  • Cloned sensors initially show the Paused status to give you the chance to change any settings before monitoring starts. Check the settings and resume monitoring.
  • You cannot clone fixed objects such as the root group, a probe device, or PRTG system-internal sensors.
  • The user account that clones an object must have at least read access to this object and all objects underneath in the object hierarchy. The user group to which this user account belongs must have the permission to create all sensors that run on the device or group that they want to clone.

Clone an Object

Right-click an object in the device tree and select Clone from the context menu to open an assistant.
i_round_blueIf you want to clone a sensor, a faster way is to manage the manage device tree.

Clone Object Settings

[Object] To Be Cloned

Several fields show information about the object that you want to clone. The available information varies depending on whether you clone a group, a device, or a sensor.

Name for New [Object]

Enter information for the new object as described below.



New [Object] Name

Enter a name for the new object to identify it later, for example, in the device tree or in table lists. By default, PRTG uses the old name with the prefix Clone of.

i_round_blueIf the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?

New IP Address/DNS Name

This setting is only available when you clone a device.

Enter the IP address or Domain Name System (DNS) name for the new device.

Service URL

This setting is only available when you clone a device.

Specify a URL that you want to open directly when you select Device Tools | Go to Service URL from the context menu of the device. For example, you can configure this option to call the address Enter a valid URL or leave the field empty.

Parent [Object] for New [Object]

Use the object selector to select the object to which you want to add the cloned object. If you clone a group or a device, select a group. If you clone a sensor, select a device.

Click Continue to clone the object.


After you clone an object, you can see the following:

  • If you clone a sensor, the Overview tab of the new sensor opens.

i_square_cyanFor more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?

  • If you clone a group or a device, you stay on the same page.
  • Cloned sensors initially show the Paused status to give you the chance to change any settings before monitoring starts. Check the settings and resume monitoring.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

What security features does PRTG include?