Paessler PRTG

Monitor your data center: Data center infrastructure monitoring with PRTG

  • Comprehensive data center infrastructure monitoring
  • Optimized data center infrastructure management
  • Preconfigured monitoring of OPC UA servers, RTUs, Rittal CMC III, and more

Our users give top ratings for monitoring with Paessler PRTG



Start data center infrastructure monitoring with PRTG and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.



Monitoring infrastructure is key

Data centers need to function reliably and efficiently around the clock. However, this is only possible when the entire infrastructure of a data center is measured and monitored in detail. Monitoring not only allows for the prompt detection of problems, but also makes it possible to predict the impact of planned modifications to the infrastructure. And when it comes to optimizing a data center, nothing less will do.

Modern data centers therefore rely on data center infrastructure monitoring (DCIM) and data center monitoring software such as PRTG.


What does the infrastructure of a typical data center look like?

A data center is usually made up of the following:

1. Server room

The server room is home to the primary IT infrastructure, i.e., hardware such as servers and server racks, and sometimes the telephone system. Since the servers are close together, this room must be cooled.

2. Room for supporting technology and technical equipment

Server rooms must be protected from excess heat and humidity. Among other things, the technical room therefore contains an air-conditioning system that cools the server room, the uninterruptible power supply (UPS), and fire-extinguishing equipment.

3. Technical and organizational protection measures

Server rooms must also be protected against dirt, fire, flooding, and unauthorized access. Technical protection measures include airlocks, security cameras, and smoke-proof doors and windows, which should also be secured against burglars. Access to the server room is usually controlled by guidelines and access controls.


Get our data center infrastructure monitoring features as part of PRTG and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.




What is data center infrastructure monitoring?

Data center infrastructure monitoring (DCIM) involves the planning, managing, and monitoring of a data center infrastructure
and all the IT components and systems installed therein. Data center infrastructure management is multifaceted:

1. IT network, services, and infrastructure

It not only includes the management of hardware, IT systems and devices (e.g., servers, server racks, PCs, and computers), storage systems, switches, and routers, but also applications, software, data traffic, and services.

2. Data center and building infrastructure

Among other things, the physical infrastructure of the data center and building includes:

  • The power supply
  • The management of cables
  • The cooling of the server room
  • The optimal use of space

3. IT security

Data centers should be protected against:

  • Viruses, Trojans, and DDoS attacks
  • Fire and water
  • Unauthorized access

4. Performance

Data center infrastructure performance monitoring ensures that the performance of the servers, applications and services meets the requirements. If this performance is poor over a longer period of time, consideration should be given to upgrading the infrastructure.

All these elements must be monitored thoroughly. This includes the monitoring of the status of hardware and the availability of applications and services, as well as the monitoring of the temperature and humidity in a server room.










Why is data center infrastructure monitoring important?

Data center monitoring is important because you not only need to monitor the IT infrastructure itself, but also your supporting technology (fire protection systems, power supply, etc.) and the systems that provide for physical IT security (surveillance cameras, access gates, etc.).


A sneak peek at data center monitoring with PRTG




IT experts agree: Paessler PRTG is a great solution for IT infrastructure monitoring


“All-around winning
network monitor”

logo it brief

“The real beauty of PRTG is the endless possibilities it offers”


“PRTG Network Monitor
is very hard to beat”


Data center monitoring tasks


















Collect, analyze, and evaluate infrastructure data

Collect, analyze, and evaluate infrastructure data

Comprehensive data center monitoring can prevent downtime caused by problems in the data center.

Assess and monitor performance 

Assess and monitor performance 

A data center should be operated as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible. Data collected by way of monitoring can improve the capacity and performance of the data center.

Optimize power and energy consumption

Optimize power and energy consumption

By monitoring power and air-conditioning systems, IT teams can make informed decisions to optimize temperatures and the consumption of energy. This also involves improving the planning and utilization of the space and infrastructure of the building.


“I particularly like having breakfast at home and just surveying my domain, and understanding what's working and what isn't.”

Steve Coppin, Oxford University


Your data center infrastructure monitoring at a glance – even on the go

Set up PRTG in minutes and use it on almost any mobile device.


PRTG comes with all the features you need, plus more your IT infrastructure won't want to live without.



PRTG monitors these vendors and applications in one view!


vendors vm ware



What about distributed data centers?


For many companies, housing their own server rooms and data centers can be difficult or even unfeasible. In particular, they often lack the required amount of security. They can also find it challenging to meet the necessary standards for data protection and IT security. And let’s not forget the high costs associated with the operation of such rooms. Finally, it may simply be that the company lacks the space.

A distributed data center (i.e., the outsourcing of a server room) proves in these cases to be beneficial. For one thing, distributed data centers are a lot less expensive. Although rental costs must be paid, the service provider takes care of security, the power supply, and cooling. Tip: PRTG can also be used to monitor IT in distributed locations!


Create innovative solutions with Paessler’s partners

Partnering with innovative vendors, Paessler unleashes synergies to create
new and additional benefits for joined customers.


By integrating PRTG with Martello iQ, you can add a fast analytics layer to improve uptime, visualize your IT environment, and integrate all of your IT systems into a single pane of glass.

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IT that works constitutes a business-critical basis for a company's success. Availability and security must be defined for the respective purpose and closely monitored – by OT and IT alike.

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Siemon and Paessler bring together intelligent building technology and advanced monitoring and make your vision of intelligent buildings and data centers become reality.

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PRTG is compatible with all major vendors, products, and systems

vendors applications blue




 i How PRTG defines sensors

In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, e.g. the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, the free space of a disk drive. On average you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.

View video (3:26 min.)

How does PRTG monitor data center infrastructures?


PRTG Enterprise Monitor is the perfect tool for monitoring your in-house or outsourced data center. With a PRTG Enterprise Monitor subscription license, you can install PRTG on an unlimited number of servers to easily monitor all your sites. The software uses PRTG sensors to monitor each and every infrastructural aspect of your data center. Preconfigured sensors for DCIM include the following:



Monitoring Rittal CMC III monitoring systems

The Rittal CMC III monitoring system helps ensure the physical security of IT, industrial environments, and buildings. The PRTG SNMP Rittal CMC III Hardware Status sensor is designed to monitor these systems. It lets you monitor the hardware and overall status, as well as the performance of the central unit of the CMC III monitoring system and all connected external Rittal sensors. As a result, you can guarantee that your infrastructure is being monitored as needed.


Monitoring OPC UA servers

PRTG also comes with sensors for the “OPC Unified Architecture” (OPC UA) standard. For example, the OPC UA Server Status sensor monitors the status and availability of an OPC UA server and collects diagnostic data. The OPC UA Certificate sensor monitors the certificate of an OPC UA server. And with the OPC UA Custom sensor, you can monitor up to 10 numeric values returned by specific OPC UA node IDs.


Monitoring RTUs

The preconfigured Modbus RTU Custom Sensor monitors your serial devices. It connects to your RTU (remote terminal unit) and monitors up to 5 returned numeric values.


Start data center infrastructure monitoring with PRTG and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.



PRTG the multi-tool

PRTG: The multi-tool for sysadmins

Adapt PRTG individually and dynamically to your needs and rely on a strong API:

  • HTTP API: Access monitoring data and manipulate monitoring objects via HTTP requests
  • Custom sensors: Create your own PRTG sensors for customized monitoring
  • Custom notifications: Create your own notifications and send action triggers to external systems
  • REST Custom sensor: Monitor almost everything that provides data in XML or JSON format


We asked: would you recommend PRTG?
Over 95% of our customers say yes!


Paessler conducted trials in over 600 IT departments worldwide to tune its network monitoring software closer to the needs of sysadmins.
The result of the survey: over 95% of the participants would recommend PRTG – or already have.


Recommend PRTG


Still not convinced?


More than 500,000
sysadmins love PRTG

Paessler PRTG is used by companies of all sizes. Sysadmins love PRTG because it makes their job a whole lot easier.


Monitor your entire IT infrastructure

Bandwidth, servers, virtual environments, websites, VoIP services – PRTG keeps an eye on your entire network.


Try Paessler PRTG
for free

Everyone has different monitoring needs. That’s why we let you try PRTG for free.



Paessler PRTG 

Start data center infrastructure monitoring with PRTG and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.




Network Monitoring Software - Version (January 9th, 2025)


Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available


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Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List)

Unified Monitoring

Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more

Supported Vendors & Applications

cisco logo grey 40 dell logo grey 40 hp logo grey 40 ibm grey40 netapp grey40 linux grey40 aws grey40 windows grey40 vmware grey40 citrix grey40 exchange grey40 apache grey40 oracle grey40