PRTG Manual: Key Features

PRTG offers two options to monitor your network: PRTG Network Monitor and PRTG Hosted Monitor.

  • PRTG Network Monitor: The PRTG core server and local probe run in your network.
  • PRTG Hosted Monitor: Paessler runs the PRTG core server and hosted probe for you in the cloud.

i_round_blueThe PRTG web interface is the same for both PRTG Hosted Monitor and PRTG Network Monitor.

Areas of Application

PRTG can monitor:

  • Uptimes, downtimes, and slow servers
  • System health of hardware devices
  • Network devices and bandwidth
  • Applications
  • Virtual servers
  • Service level agreements (SLA)
  • System usage (for example CPU load, free memory, and free disk space)
  • Database performance and table values
  • Email servers
  • Physical network environments
  • Cloud services

It can also:

  • Classify network traffic and content by source or destination
  • Measure Quality of Service (QoS) and Voice over IP (VoIP) parameters
  • Collect system information for hardware
  • Detect unusual activity between network components and warns about potential security issues
  • Detect unusual behavior by devices or users
  • Assess the real usage of network and hardware
  • Fail-safe monitor a cluster

Key Features

  • High performance: The database system stores raw monitoring results as well as logs, Toplists, and tickets. This outperforms Structured Query Language (SQL) servers for monitoring data. You can distribute high loads among several probes and also access the database through the PRTG API.
  • Low system requirements: To run PRTG Network Monitor, an average PC that is not older than 2 years is enough. Even a netbook can monitor more than a thousand sensors.

i_podPRTG Hosted Monitor requires no hardware for the PRTG core server.

  • High security standards: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) secured connections and web servers, secure ciphers, personalized user rights management, and much more.
    i_square_cyanFor more information, see the Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?
  • SSL/TLS-secured web server with HTTP and HTTPS support for the PRTG web interface. This acts as a Single Page Application (SPA) to avoid time-intensive page reloading.
  • Email relay server for automatic email delivery.
  • Customizable alerts for specific needs:
    • Various notification methods: email, push, SMS text messages, Syslog messages and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps, HTTP requests, event logs, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), executing scripts.
    • Multiple ways to trigger notifications: status alerts, limit alerts, threshold alerts, multiple condition alerts, escalation alerts.
    • Gradual dependencies to avoid alarm floods, acknowledging certain alarms to avoid further notifications, and alert scheduling.
  • In-depth report generator to create reports on demand or scheduled reports in HTML, as .pdf, .csv, or .xml. Several report templates are available by default.
  • Graphics engine for user-friendly live graphs and historic data graphs.
  • Network analysis modules to automatically find network devices and sensors.
  • Distributed monitoring to monitor several networks in different locations.
  • Special features for managed service providers (MSP) to monitor customer networks and increase the quality of service.
  • Data publishing with real-time dashboards, including live performance and status information. Design these dashboards with many different objects and integrate external objects as well.
  • Multiple languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese, Russian, and Simplified Chinese.
  • Customization: The PRTG API lets you develop your own features. Additionally, you can create custom sensors, notifications, and device templates according to your specific needs.

PRTG supports monitoring for up to several thousand sensors per installation, depending on various parameters. It can also work with remote probes to distribute high monitoring loads, to monitor multiple sites or network segments from one central core installation, and to monitor non-Windows systems. It is also possible to configure fail-safe monitoring with a cluster to perform automatic failovers.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

What security features does PRTG include?