PRTG Manual: Library Context Menus

Right-click a library or a library node on a library's Overview tab or Management tab to show its context menu.

Library Context Menu

The Library Context Menu contains actions for your libraries.




Show the Overview tab of the object.

i_square_cyanFor more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?


Hover over Edit to show the Edit menu. The following actions are available:

Edit Context Menu

  • Settings: Open a dialog to edit the library settings.
  • Management: Open the Management tab of the library.
  • Rename: Open a dialog to edit the name of the object.


Delete the object. PRTG asks for confirmation before it actually deletes an object.

Add Library Node

Add a new library node to the library.

Add Group

Add a group to the library to create nested library nodes.

Send Link by Email

Send a link to the object by email. Click to create a new email with your system's standard email client. The email contains a direct link to the Overview tab of the object.

Library Node Menu

The Library Node Menu contains actions for your library nodes.

Library Node Menu




Show the Overview tab of the object.

i_square_cyanFor more information about the Overview tab, see the Knowledge Base: What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?


Hover over Edit to show the Edit menu. The following actions are available:

  • Rename: Open a dialog to edit the name of the object.

Delete from Library

Delete the object. PRTG asks for confirmation before it actually deletes an object.


Hover over Move to open the Move menu. The following actions are available:

Move Context Menu

  • Top: Move the library node to the top of the library.
  • Up Move the library node one entry up.
  • Down: Move the library node one entry down.
  • Bottom Move the library node to the bottom of the library.

Send Link by Email

Send a link to the object by email. Click to create a new email with your system's standard email client. The email contains a direct link to the Overview tab of the object.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

What options do I have to review my monitoring data in detail?