PRTG Manual: License Information

On the License Information tab, you can view information about your license and enter your license key.

i_round_blueThis documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

i_podIf 15 minutes (900) seconds have passed since your last credential-based login and you open a setup page from a different setup page, PRTG asks you to enter your credentials again for security reasons. A dialog box appears. Enter your Login Name and Password and click OK to continue.

i_podThis option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.

In this section:


Click the Status tab to view information about your license.

License Information

License Information



License Status

Shows the activation status of this PRTG installation. Usually, PRTG automatically completes the activation during installation or when you change your license information.

i_round_redIf PRTG cannot directly connect to the internet, a manual activation is necessary.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Activate the Product.

License Name

Shows the owner of the license that you use for this PRTG installation, for example ExampleOrganization.

i_round_blueThe License Name, license key, and system ID make up your license information.

i_round_blueYou can find the label License Owner in some documents from the Paessler Portal. License Owner is the same as License Name. PRTG might ask you for this information during installation or when you change your license key.

License Key

Shows the license key that you use for this PRTG installation.

i_round_blueThe License Name, license key, and system ID make up your license information.

System ID

The system ID is a fixed value that is automatically assigned to a PRTG installation.

i_round_blueThe License Name, license key, and system ID make up your license information.

Customer ID

This setting is only visible if you have a subscription license.

Shows the customer ID of the license that you use for this PRTG installation.

Licensed Edition

Shows the license that you use for this PRTG installation. This determines how many sensors you can use in PRTG.

i_round_bluePRTG regularly validates subscription licenses. You can see the next validation date here.

Last Update

Shows the date of the last update for this PRTG installation. We recommend that you use the auto-update.

Subscription until / Maintenance until

Shows the expiration date and the number of days that remain for your active maintenance or subscription. Manage your license at the Paessler Portal for continued access to any available updates and to our premium email support.

Number of Sensors

Shows the number of sensors that you can use in PRTG. If you reach the limit, PRTG automatically sets each new sensor that you add to the Paused status.

Editions that allow an unlimited number of sensors do not restrict the number of possible sensors by license, so you can create sensors until you reach the performance limit. This means that you can use about 10,000 sensors per PRTG core server. However, this number depends on the performance of the PRTG core server system, and sensors and scanning intervals.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section System Requirements.

To upgrade your license right now, click Need more sensors? Click here to upgrade! to visit the Paessler Portal.


Click the Log tab to show a table list of all system log entries with all messages and status changes regarding your license.

Change and Update License Information

Use the following buttons to edit your license or refresh your maintenance information.



Manage License

Click to open the Paessler Portal and manage your PRTG Network Monitor license. This button is only visible to users of a commercial license.

Deactivate this License

If you want to use the license of a PRTG installation on a different computer, click this button to deactivate the license. This is necessary, for example, when you move PRTG to a different computer, because a PRTG license can be active on only one computer at the same time. Once you have deactivated the license, the PRTG installation on this computer reverts to the freeware edition after a grace period of 30 days.

i_square_cyanSee also section Activate the Product.

Update Your License Information

Click Change License Key or Refresh Information on the Status tab to update your license. Provide the necessary information and click Update License to complete the activation of your license.

i_round_blueIf you have any issues with license activation or updates, click Contact Support in the page footer to contact us directly via the Paessler Help Desk. This requires internet access.

Step 1: Choose Activation Type



Activation Type

Define how you want to validate and activate your license:

  • Automatic (online activation with optional HTTP proxy): Activate the license online. PRTG connects to the activation server and validates your license. The license is activated automatically. For automatic activation, the PRTG core server system must have internet access.
  • Manual (offline activation): Activate the license manually. Use this if the PRTG core server system has no access to the internet and cannot connect to
    i_round_blueThis is the default selection if the PRTG core server system is offline.

Step 2: Verify Your PRTG License



License Key

Enter the license key that you received from Paessler GmbH. To avoid typing errors, copy and paste the License Key. It must exactly match your license key.

License Name

If prompted, enter the License Name that you have received from Paessler GmbH. It must exactly match. To avoid typing errors, copy and paste the License Name.

i_round_blueYou can find the label License Owner in some documents from the Paessler Portal. License Owner is the same as License Name. PRTG might ask you for this information during installation or when you change your license key.

System ID

This field shows the system ID, a fixed value assigned to your PRTG installation.

i_round_blueThis setting is for your information only. You cannot change it.

For offline activation, click Save to File to write your license information into a text file.

Step 3a: Activate Your PRTG

If you select the automatic activation type, you can now update your license. Define if you need an HTTP proxy for the HTTPS connection to the activation server and click Update License.

Proxy Configuration

i_podThis option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.



Proxy Server Handling

Define if you want to use PRTG with a direct internet connection or if a proxy is necessary:

  • Do not use a proxy server (default): Do not use a proxy. Use this setting if a direct internet connection to the PRTG core server system is available.
  • Use a proxy server: Define proxy settings below. Use this setting if a proxy is mandatory in your network.

i_round_blueWe recommend that you use PRTG with a direct internet connection.

i_round_blueThe proxy settings are valid for auto-update, activating the product, obtaining Geo Maps tiles, and for sending HTTP, push, and SMS text message notifications.


This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above

Enter the address of the proxy server that you use for outbound connections. Enter a valid address.


This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above

Enter the port number of the proxy server that you use for outbound connections. Enter an integer.

Proxy Authentication

This setting is only visible if you select Use a proxy server above

Determine whether the proxy server needs credentials or not:

  • Do not use authentication: Do not use credentials for proxy connections.
  • User name and password: Define credentials (user name and password) below. Use this setting if the proxy server requires credentials.

User Name

This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.

Enter a user name for proxy authentication. Enter a string.


This setting is only visible if you select User name and password above.

Enter a password for proxy authentication. Enter a string.

Step 3b: Request Activation Data

i_round_blueThe following step only applies to PRTG Network Monitor. If you use PRTG Enterprise Monitor, see the Paessler website: How to use PRTG Enterprise Monitor in an offline environment in 5 steps.

If you select Manual (offline activation), you must request your activation data at using your license information. Open the activation page from a computer with internet access and provide your license information.

Generate the key file for your license and provide this data below.

Step 4: Provide Activation Data

i_round_blueThis step is only necessary if you activate your license offline.

  • Copy the content of the key file that you have generated on
  • Paste it into the Activation Data field. Alternatively, click Load from File if you have saved the key file with your activation data.
  • Click Update License to complete the activation of your license.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

How do I upgrade to a later edition of PRTG?

The automatic license activation of my PRTG Enterprise Monitor license does not work. What can I do?



How to use PRTG Enterprise Monitor in an offline environment in 5 steps


There are some settings that you must define in the PRTG Administration Tool. For more information, see sections: