PRTG Manual: Map Rotation

With the Map Rotation feature, you can rotate between several maps on one page. This is similar to a slide show.

Map Rotation Setup

To configure your custom map rotation, take the following steps:

  1. Open the Maps overview from the main menu bar.
  2. Select the maps that you want to rotate by enabling the check box next to the respective maps. The multi-edit menu appears.
  3. Click b_multi_edit_map_rotation.
  4. PRTG now rotates the selected maps on a new page in a specific interval.
  5. You can change the interval until a new map appears. Hover over b_map_refresh in the lower-right corner and choose from 10s, 30s, 60s (seconds), 10m (minutes), and Refresh (now).

i_round_blueTo view the maps that you specified for the map rotation, you need login credentials for PRTG.

Public Map Rotation

You can also set up a public map rotation that you can use without login credentials. For this purpose, you need to create a custom URL that includes the map IDs and the maps' secret keys:

  1. In the Public Access settings of all maps that you want to include in the map rotation, select Allow public access. The Secret Key setting appears.
  2. Note the secret keys of all maps that you want to include in the map rotation.
  3. Find the map IDs and note them as well. To find the ID of a map, open the map with your browser. The map ID is included in the URL of the map as the value of the parameter id. In the URL https://<yourprtgserver>/map.htm?id=2124, for example, the number 2124 is the needed ID.
  4. Create the public map rotation URL. The complete URL has the following format: https://yourprtgserver/public/mapshow.htm?ids=mapid1:secretkey1,mapid2:secretkey2,mapid3:secretkey3.
    i_round_blueMake sure that you connect each map ID and the respective secret key with a colon, and that you separate each mapid:secretkey token from the next mapid:secretkey token with a comma.
    This is an example URL for the public rotation of two maps with the map IDs 9507 and 9358:,9358:718D3CE1-DF00-4B92-AE8A-E0253B912C37
  5. Open the URL in your browser to start the public map rotation.
  1. You can change the interval until a new map appears. Hover over b_map_refresh in the lower-right corner and choose from 10s, 30s, 60s (seconds), 10m (minutes), and Refresh (now).