PRTG Manual: Maps

With the Maps feature, you can create dashboards with monitoring information in a customizable layout. You can also make live data overviews publicly available.

In this section:


There are a lot of different options for the implementation of maps:

  • Create network maps with status icons for each device.
  • Create views of your network that can be shown on network operations center screens.
  • Create network overviews that you can publish on the intranet for colleagues or the management.
  • Create custom views of the most important sensors in your monitoring setup.
  • Create Top 10 lists of the sensors of a specific group or device.

Map Technology

In technical terms, a map is a common HTML web page. A map can consist of the following elements:

  • Map items including device icons, sensor status icons, graphs, data tables, sensor lists, connection lines, geographical maps, or custom HTML code.
  • An optional background image in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, for example, your company logo or a graphical view of your network.

Preconfigured Map

PRTG provides the preconfigured map Sample Dashboard that you can also edit or delete. The map is only visible to administrators. Define a lower priority for the map to not show it under Home in the main menu bar.

Maps Menu

Click Maps in the main menu bar to open an overview list of all maps. Hover over Maps to show other options.




Open the Maps list where you can view or add custom views of your network status and monitoring data.

Add Map

Open a dialog to create a new map.

Select Map

Hover over Select Map to show a list of your maps. Click a map to open it.

Maps List

In the All view, you see a list of all maps. Click the name of a map to view it. Enable the check box next to a map and use the quick action buttons:

  • Map Rotation (b_multi_edit_map_rotation): Rotate between maps.
  • Clone (b_multi_edit_clone): Create a clone of this map.
  • Delete (b_multi_edit_delete): Delete this map.
  • Settings (b_multi_edit_settings): Open the map's settings.

Hover over b_add and select Add Map from the menu to add a new map.

You can also define the priority of a map. Maps with a 5-star priority (i_priority_5) appear in the main menu bar under Home so that you can directly select them. PRTG can show up to 10 entries in the Home menu.
i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Home Menu.

i_square_cyanSee also sections Working with Table Lists and Multi-Edit.

Home Menu

You can add any map to the Home menu in the main menu bar of the PRTG web interface. This way, you can gain quick access to your most important maps.

i_round_blueIf you open a map via the Home menu, it appears as a dashboard without the tabs that are available when you open a map via the Maps menu. Furthermore, in contrast to a map that you open via a URL, the map is embedded in the PRTG web interface with the global header area and page footer.

You can define whether a map appears in the Home menu via the priority setting:

Add Map to Home Menu

  1. Open the Maps overview via the main menu bar (1).
  2. In the overview list, look for the map that you want to add to the Home menu (2).
  3. In the Priority column, select i_priority_5 for the desired map (3).

The map appears in the Home menu (4). To immediately see the change, manually refresh the page with F5.

i_round_blueYou can include up to 10 map entries in the Home menu.

i_round_blueEvery map with a 5-star priority (i_priority_5) appears as a menu item under Home.

i_round_bluePRTG provides a sample dashboard in the Home menu by default. You can remove the sample dashboard and other dashboards from the menu by changing their priority to i_priority_4 or lower.

Working with Maps

For more information on how to work with maps and on how to make the maps available to other people, see the following sections:



How to create dashboards in PRTG with the Maps feature in 5 steps