PRTG Manual: Maps Settings

i_round_blueThis documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.

Use the maps tabs to access all functionalities and settings of a map.


Click the Settings tab to open the general settings of a map.

i_round_blueIn the Add Map dialog, not all of these settings are available. You can change the settings later via the Settings tab.

Basic Map Settings



Map Name

Enter a name to identify the map.

i_round_blueIf the name contains angle brackets (<>), PRTG replaces them with braces ({}) for security reasons. For more information, see the Knowledge Base: What security features does PRTG include?


Enter one or more tags. Confirm each tag with the Spacebar key, a comma, or the Enter key. You can use tags to group objects and use tag-filtered views later on. Tags are not case-sensitive. Tags are automatically inherited.

i_round_blueIt is not possible to enter tags with a leading plus (+) or minus (-) sign, nor tags with parentheses (()) or angle brackets (<>).

i_round_blueFor performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can filter for new tags that you added.

Security Context and Color Mode

Define the security context that the map uses for access to monitoring data. Select a user account from the dropdown list to define which objects are visible on the map. The map only contains objects that the selected user has the access rights to view. By default, the security context is the user account that creates the map.

i_round_blueBasically, the security context defines the minimum access rights to objects like libraries, reports, or maps, that a user account has. If the security context of an object is PRTG System Administrator, for example, every user sees all objects in a library, in a report, or on a map, no matter what the particular user access rights are.

i_round_blueThis setting also affects the color mode of public maps. PRTG takes the color mode setting of the security context user account.

Time Zone

Define the time zone that the map uses for all date-related settings. Select a time zone from the dropdown list.

Filter by Tag

This setting applies to table map objects. Enter one or more tags separated by a space or comma to include sensors in map data tables. Only sensors that have one of the specified tags appear in the tables, including sensors that inherit tags from parent objects. Enter a string or leave the field empty.

i_round_blueFor performance reasons, it can take some minutes until you can filter for new tags that you added.

i_round_blueFor some map objects, for example for sunburst and treemap objects, the tag filter applies only to probes, groups, and devices. If you only enter tags of sensors, these map objects do not appear on the map. Filtering sunburst and treemap objects with multiple tags might not work properly and is not officially supported.

i_round_redUse this setting with caution because it affects all tables of the map.

Map Layout



Map Width

Define the width of the map in pixels. Enter an integer.

Map Height

Define the height of the map in pixels. Enter an integer.

Automatic Scaling

Define if you want the map to automatically adapt to your screen size:

  • Scale map view to fit browser size: The size of the map automatically adapts to the size of your screen. We recommend that you use this option if you display the map on different screens with different resolutions.
    i_round_blueThis setting does not apply to the map designer.
  • Do not automatically scale map view: The map always uses the specified width and height settings.

Background Image

Define if you want to use a background image for the map:

  • Use a background image: Use a custom background image, for example, your company logo.
  • Do not use a background image: Use a background that shows the color that you define in the Background Color setting.

Custom Image

This setting is only visible if you select Use a background image above.

Click Select File and select an image from your system or network.

i_round_redPRTG only supports images in JPG, PNG, and GIF format. The file size must be smaller than 20 MB.

Background Color

Select a background color for this map. Either enter a hex color code or choose a color from the color selector. The hex color code field always displays the defined color.

Map Access



Public Access

Define who can view the map:

  • No public access: Do not allow public access to the map. Users who want to view the map first need to log in to PRTG. They also need sufficient access rights to the map.
  • Allow public access: Allow access to the map via a unique URL. The URL contains a secret key that you can change. The map is an interactive public map.
  • Allow public access but disable all links except for Geo Maps: Allow access to the map via a unique URL. The URL contains a secret key that you can change. If you select this option, all links on the map are disabled so that you get a non-interactive public map.
    i_round_blueIt is not possible to disable the links in map objects that contain an embedded geographical map. As a workaround, place an empty, transparent square object over the Geo Map object and link it to an unrelated URL.

i_round_bluePRTG displays maps with public access in the color mode defined for the security context user account.

Secret Key

This setting is only visible if you select Allow public access or Allow public access but disable all links except for Geo Maps above.

The secret key is automatically generated. It is part of the public URL for the map. You can also enter a customized string.

i_round_blueWe recommend that you use the default value.

i_square_cyanFor more information on public access, see section Get HTML.

i_round_redThe characters comma (,) and colon (:) are not allowed in the secret key field.

Access Rights



User Group Access

Define the user groups that have access to the object. You see a table with user groups and group access rights. The table contains all user groups in your setup. For each user group, you can choose from the following group access rights:

  • No access: Users in this user group cannot see or edit the object. The object does not show up in lists.
  • Read access: Users in this user group can see the object and view its settings.
  • Write access: Users in this user group can see the object and view and edit its settings. However, they cannot edit the object's access rights settings.
  • Full access: Users in this user group can see the object, view and edit its settings, and edit its access rights settings.

i_round_blueYou can create new user groups in the User Groups settings.

i_round_redSave your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu without saving, all changes to the settings are lost.


Your map is a standard HTML page. You can make it available to other people via a unique URL. Depending on the map's Public Access setting, a visitor needs to provide login credentials for PRTG to view the map, or they immediately see the map.

You have different options to link to the map:

  • Option 1: Link To The Map With Required Login
    A user who wants to view the map via the shown URL first needs to log in to PRTG.
    i_round_blueIn the URL, PRTG usually specifies the IP address under which the page is reachable. If a network address translation (NAT) is set in your firewall, or if you want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) service for public access, customize the URL according to your needs.
  • Option 2: Link To The Map Without A Login
    People who want to view the map via the shown URL do not need login credentials. Allow public access to the map to make it available to the public.

i_round_blueIn the URL, PRTG usually specifies the IP address under which the page is reachable. If a NAT is set in your firewall, or if you want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic DNS service for public access, customize the URL according to your needs.

  • Option 3: Show the Map on Other Webpages via an Iframe
    Here you can find the HTML code to embed an iframe in your web page. It includes a URL for direct access to the map. Allow public access to the map to make it available to the public.

i_round_blueIn the URL, PRTG usually specifies the IP address under which the page is reachable. If a NAT is set in your firewall, or if you want to use a domain name or a name from a dynamic DNS service for public access, customize the URL according to your needs.


On the Comments tab, you can enter free text for each object. You can use this function for documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.


On the History tab, all changes in the settings of an object are logged with a time stamp, the name of the user who made the change, and a message. The history log retains the last 100 entries.


You can delete a map at any time. To do so, click b_delete in the upper-right corner of the screen.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

What security features does PRTG include?