Monitor Load

Network Monitoring for Windows - Monitor CPU Usage


PRTG Network Monitor is Paessler's powerful system load monitor. The software monitors network devices, tracks bandwidth usage, and monitors load, for example CPU, processor und RAM load (including monitoring Linux system load average), and helps you to monitor log files and events.

PRTG Network Monitor can also be used for monitoring Linux system load average and for monitoring SQL Server 2008.

Free Download
  • Unlimited version of PRTG for 30 days
  • After 30 days, PRTG reverts to a free version
  • Or, you can upgrade to a paid license anytime


Using WMI and SNMP, PRTG shows you server CPU load and memory load. The software can also monitor server CPU temperature if your computer's main board supplies the appropriate MIB files. If the CPU load exceeds a defined threshold, PRTG's notification system immediately informs you via text message, email, etc., and allows you to react quickly. In order to avoid server overloads, you should configure alarms to warn you if the CPU load rises above a certain threshold for a certain amount of time, e.g. if it is higher than 75% for more than 10 minutes.

Monitoring CPU load is important for all kinds of servers, as high CPU loads can considerably slow down response times. Staying on top of CPU usage helps you to make your website faster and therefore more attractive for visitors. For file and application servers, it is important to monitor server CPU in order to ensure your company's productivity. Putting too much load on your servers does not only slow down your system, but can also increase the risk of server failures. It is therefore vital to constantly monitor load in order to ensure network availability.

PRTG Network Monitor is Paessler's powerful for monitoring load. The network traffic analyzer monitors CPU, RAM and Processor load, and gives you a complete overview of your network.

SNMP CPU Load Sensor

  • Processor and CPU Load monitor: the tool for monitoring load includes several counters that show you your current processor load, as well as historic data. In order to avoid server overloads, you should configure alarms to warn you if the CPU load rises above a certain threshold for a certain amount of time, e.g. if it is higher than 70% for more than 10 minutes.
  • RAM Load Monitor: PRTG Network Monitor is a comprehensive network monitoring solution which enables you to monitor hardware, bandwidth, and network performance. The software supports agentless monitoring: it gathers the data from network devices using a variety of protocols, such as SNMP, WMI, NetFlow or sFlow.

The tool for monitoring load includes powerful server monitoring tools, for example VMware management tools and tools for Microsoft server monitoring. The software also helps you to monitor uptime and can be used as a hyper v monitor.

PRTG Network Monitor

Paessler's CPU load monitor PRTG is available in two editions. As a basic network sniffer and as memory monitor, the freeware may be downloaded and used for personal and commercial use completely free of charge. Need more sensors to monitor a larger IT infrastructure? See our commercial licenses here. Get your free trial - 30 days with no limitatons.


Network Monitoring Software - Version (January 9th, 2025)


Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available


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Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List)

Unified Monitoring

Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more

Supported Vendors & Applications

cisco logo grey 40 dell logo grey 40 hp logo grey 40 ibm grey40 netapp grey40 linux grey40 aws grey40 windows grey40 vmware grey40 citrix grey40 exchange grey40 apache grey40 oracle grey40

  • Unlimited version of PRTG for 30 days
  • After 30 days, PRTG reverts to a free version
  • Or, you can upgrade to a paid license anytime

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IP Fabric

Combining the broad monitoring feature set of PRTG with IP Fabric’s automated network assurance creates a new level of network visibility and reliability.

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By integrating PRTG with Martello iQ, you can add a fast analytics layer to improve uptime, visualize your IT environment, and integrate all of your IT systems into a single pane of glass.

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With ScriptRunner, Paessler integrates a powerful event automation platform into PRTG Network Monitor.

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