PRTG Manual: Move Objects

There are several options for moving objects in the device tree or for moving objects from one probe or group to a different probe or group.

Probes or Groups: Management Tab

The Management tab is available when you view probes or groups. After you click this tab, you can directly move devices and sensors in the device tree via drag-and-drop.

i_round_blueIf it is not possible to move an object, PRTG automatically starts a clone process.

i_square_cyanFor more information, see section Manage Device Tree.

Devices: Overview Tab

When you view the Overview tab of a device, you see a list of all sensors on the device.

Move Sensors on a Device

Click the column headers Pos, Sensor, Status, or Priority to sort the sensor list. To change a sensor's position, click b_drag_drop_dark at the beginning of the row, drag the sensor to the new position, and drop it.

Context Menu: Move Option

Right-click any object in the device tree to show its context menu. Hover over Move to open the Move menu. The following actions are available:

Move Context Menu

  • Top: Move the object to the top of the parent object.
  • Up: Move the object one entry up.
  • Down: Move the object one entry down.
  • Bottom: Move the object to the bottom of the parent object.
  • Open the Management tab of the object. This setting is only available for probes and groups.