PRTG Manual: Multi-Edit

Table lists offer the multi-edit feature. With this, you can bulk edit the properties of many objects. Multi-edit is also available on the Management tab of probes or groups when you hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple objects. See also section Manage Device Tree.

i_round_blueYou cannot change every setting with multi-edit. PRTG only displays settings that all selected objects have in common.

Multi-Edit in Table Lists

In a table list, you can select several objects by enabling the check boxes on the right. You can also select all objects on the page at once by enabling the check box in the table header.
i_round_blueSelecting all objects via the check box in the table header does not select all objects across multiple pages. It only selects all objects on the first page in most cases.

Example of a Table List with Some Selected Objects

Use the Items option in the upper-right corner to view more items per page.

When you select one or more objects, the multi-edit menu appears in which different functions are available. The available menu options depend on the selected objects. For sensor lists, for example, some frequently used functions are Pause (b_multi_edit_pause), Resume (b_multi_edit_resume), Scan Now (b_multi_edit_scan), Delete (b_multi_edit_delete), or Settings (b_multi_edit_settings). Click a button to apply the respective function to all selected objects.

Multi-Edit Menu

Multi-Edit on the Management Tab

The Management tab is available for probes and groups.

You can use multi-edit for object settings:

  • Hold down the Ctrl key and select multiple objects of the same type, for example, multiple groups, devices, or sensors.
  • In the dialog that appears, select the properties that you want to edit, change the respective settings, and click Save. The changes are applied to all selected objects.

Multi-Edit on the Management Tab

Edit Object Settings

Click b_multi_edit_settings in the multi-edit menu to open the Edit Multiple Objects dialog. This dialog shows most of the settings that the selected objects have in common. For example, you can edit the name, tags, priority, scanning interval, or access rights. The available options depend on the selected objects.

Example of Device Settings in Multi-Edit Mode

To change a property, enable the check box in front of the respective setting and then change the setting. New settings are applied to all selected objects. All properties with a disabled check box remain unchanged.

i_round_blueIf you multi-edit tags, PRTG overwrites existing tags.

i_round_redClick OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are lost.

Edit Channel Settings

The Channel Settings tab in the Edit Multiple Objects dialog is only available when you edit multiple sensors. The available settings depend on the selected sensors. You can edit the settings of all channels that the selected sensors have in common. Select a channel name from the Channel list. You can then edit display settings, colors, scaling, and limits, for example.

Example of Channel Settings in Multi-Edit Mode

To change a property, enable the check box in front of the respective setting and then change the setting. New settings are applied to all selected objects. All properties with a disabled check box remain unchanged.

i_round_redClick OK to save your settings. If you close the dialog without saving, all changes to the settings are lost.


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