PRTG Manual: Multiple Object Property or Status
You can access live data and live status data of multiple objects using the PRTG API.
Authentication with API key or user name and passhash (or user name and password) must always be included in each PRTG API request. See section HTTP API for more information.
In this section:
- Property or Status of Multiple Objects
- Table Query Builder
- Output Data Format
- RAW Date/Time Format
- Common Data Table Parameters
- Filtering by Object ID
- Sorting and Advanced Filtering
- Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter)
Property or Status of Multiple Objects
Most data that you can request from the PRTG API is available in data tables in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format, and the comma-separated values (CSV) format (using the XML format is recommended). The API function /api/table.xml is used to access data in tables. Here are some sample calls (URLs are shown without authentication parameters to enhance readability).
The example URLs only show the XML URLs. Use the API function /api/table.csv or the output=constable parameter to select the CSV format, or /api/table.json to return the JSON format.
A hierarchical list of all groups, devices, and sensors with their status information: /api/table.xml?content=sensortree
All sensors (with status information): /api/table.xml?content=sensors&columns=objid,group,device,sensor,status,message,lastvalue,priority,favorite All recent log entries: /api/table.xml?content=messages&columns=objid,datetime,parent,type,name,status,message |
You have the easiest start if you use the table query builder or click , which most data tables have in the PRTG web interface. Navigate to the information that you want to use, click , and you are taken to a URL that renders the content of the table in XML format. You can now use the URL as it is or change various parameters to suit your needs.
For more information on possible raw message status values returned by table-based API calls, see the Knowledge Base: Is there a list of log status values for the PRTG API?
You can use the query builder tool to experiment with the PRTG API and to fine-tune your queries. You can find it in the PRTG web interface under Setup | PRTG API, section Live Data.
XML data from the PRTG API contains the fields that you requested in the columns parameter. In most cases, numeric values are included twice: One field contains the value in human-readable format and an additional _RAW field contains the value as a number, which is better suited for further processing and calculations.
For columns with date/time value, the RAW value is defined as follows: The integral part of a value is the number of days that have passed since Dec 30th, 1899. The fractional part of a value is a fraction of a 24-hour day that has elapsed. To find the fractional number of days between two dates, subtract the two values. Similarly, to increment a date and time value by a certain fractional number of days, add the fractional number to the date and time value.
Here are some examples of date/time RAW values and their corresponding dates and times:
RAW Date/Time Value |
Description |
0 |
12/30/1899 00h00m (12:00 midnight) |
2.75 |
1/1/1900 18h00m (6:00 pm) |
35065 |
1/1/1996 00h00m (12:00 midnight) |
The following parameters are common to all data table API calls:
Parameter |
Description |
Possible Values |
content |
Select the objects that you want to have in your table. |
sensortree (JSON output not supported) devices sensors tickets ticketdata messages values channels reports storedreports toplists sysinfo (only JSON output supported) |
columns |
Comma-separated list of columns per record |
output |
Control the output format |
xml: default format (recommended) xmltable: an HTML table in the XML format csvtable: CSV format html: HTML table json: JSON format jsontable: a table in the JSON format |
count |
Maximum number of items (The default count is 500) |
1-50000 |
start |
Start with this entry number (can be used with "count" to request the data page by page) |
any |
Add an ID parameter (for example, id=1) to the API URL to select a subset of items for the data table, for example, to reduce the amount of data transferred for each data table API call. The data table only contains information for this object ID and its child objects.
Some table types require an ID. If you omit the ID parameter or if it has the value zero (0), all available objects are used.
Table Type |
ID Required or Optional |
Description |
Object Types Allowed for the ID |
sensortree |
optional |
You only get a part of the tree (the object with the specified ID and all child objects below it).
Probe Group |
sensors |
optional |
You only get the object with the specified ID and all child objects below it. |
Probe Group Device |
tickets |
optional |
You only get tickets or log file entries that are related to the object with the specified ID or any child objects below it. |
Any object |
values |
required |
You get the data values (or channels) of the sensor with the specified ID. |
Sensor |
reports |
not used |
This data table always includes all reports. |
n/a |
storedreports |
required |
You get a list of stored .pdf files of the report selected by the ID. |
Report |
ticketdata |
required |
You get the history of the ticket selected by the ID. |
Ticket |
sysinfo |
required |
You get system information of the object with the specified ID. |
Device |
Sorting and Advanced Filtering
There are various options to further filter and to sort the data for each data table API call:
Parameter |
Description |
Possible Values |
filter_drel |
Only include records younger than this setting
today yesterday 7days 30days 12months 6months |
filter_status |
Only include sensors with a specific status. Using multiple filter_status fields performs a logical OR.
Unknown=1 Collecting=2 Up=3 Warning=4 Down=5 NoProbe=6 PausedbyUser=7 PausedbyDependency=8 PausedbySchedule=9 Unusual=10 PausedbyLicense=11 PausedUntil=12 DownAcknowledged=13 DownPartial=14 |
filter_tags |
Only include sensors with a specific tag. Using multiple filter_tag fields performs a logical OR.
@tag(tagname) |
filter_xyz |
Filter the data. (Samples: filter_type=ping, filter_favorite=1). Using multiple filter_xyz fields performs a logical AND. Filtering using columns is only possible for tree objects. You cannot use columns to filter objects like messages or tickets, for example. For content=tickets, you can use the special filter terms Like for messages, you can also use
filter_xyz where xyz is any column name used in the columns parameter Numerical values not equal to/above/below: use filter_xyz=@neq(value), filter_xyz=@above(value), filter_xyz=@below(value) Partial match substrings: use filter_xyz=@sub(substring1,substring2) Exact match substrings: use filter_xyz=@txt(substring) or filter_xyz=@ntxt(substring)
sortby |
Sort the data. If this parameter is omitted, the table is sorted based on the first column. Add a leading "-" to reverse sort order. (Samples: sortby=name, sortby=lastvalue, sortby=-lastvalue, sortby=uptime) |
Any column name used in the columns parameter.
Here are some samples for filtered API calls: All sensors that are not in the Up status (with their status and downtime information): /api/table.xml?content=sensors&columns=objid,downtimesince,device,sensor,lastvalue,status,message,priority Fastest Ping sensors: /api/table.xml?content=sensors&columns=objid,sensor,lastvalue,status,message&sortby=lastvalue Log entries of the last 7 days for object id 2003: /api/table.xml?content=messages&id=2003&start=0&filter_drel=7days&columns= |
Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter)
You can use the following column names for the columns parameter (separated by comma, for example, columns=objid,name,type).
Column Name |
What It Displays |
Can Be Used for |
objid |
ID of the object |
all object tables |
type |
Object type (group, device, report, etc.), or the sensor type (ping, http, etc.), or event type for tickets (relevant for ToDo tickets) |
all object tables |
name |
Name of the object or channel. For log messages/tickets: the name of the related object. For stored reports: the name of the report file. |
all object tables channels messages storedreports toplists tickets |
tags |
List of all tags (for tickets: tags for the related object). This includes tags from the object itself plus tags that are inherited from parent objects. |
all object tables (except for user) |
active |
True/false depending on whether an object is set to paused by a user (for tickets: related object). For notifications that are paused by schedule, it also displays the end of the schedule. |
all object tables |
downtime |
Cumulated downtime of the sensor (displayed as percentage of uptime+downtime) |
sensors |
downtimetime |
Cumulated downtime of the sensor (in minutes/hours) |
sensors |
downtimesince |
Elapsed time since last Up status of the sensor |
sensors |
uptime |
Cumulated uptime of the sensor (displayed as percentage of uptime+downtime) |
sensors |
uptimetime |
Cumulated uptime of the sensor (in minutes/hours) |
sensors |
uptimesince |
Elapsed time since the last Down status of the sensor |
sensors |
knowntime |
Sum of cumulated uptime and downtime of the sensor |
sensors |
cumsince |
Time stamp when accumulation of uptimes/downtimes began |
sensors |
sensor |
Name of the sensor |
sensors toplists |
interval |
Effective interval setting for the sensor |
sensors |
lastcheck |
Time stamp of the last sensor result |
sensors |
lastup |
Time stamp of the most recent Up status of the sensor |
sensors |
lastdown |
Time stamp of the most recent Down status of the sensor |
sensors |
device |
Name of the associated device |
sensors devices |
group |
Name of the associated group |
sensors devices groups |
probe |
Name of the associated probe |
sensors devices groups probes |
grpdev |
Name of the associated device and the associated group separated by a forward slash (/) |
sensors devices |
notifiesx |
Number of each trigger type defined for the object |
probes groups devices sensors |
intervalx |
Either Inherited or the current interval setting of the object |
probes groups devices sensors |
accessrights |
Access rights of the current user for the sensor tree object |
all objects (except for user), for example: probes groups devices sensors |
dependency |
Name of an associated dependency or Parent |
probes groups devices sensors |
probegroupdevice |
Partial object hierarchy with names of associated device, group, and probe separated by a forward slash (/).
sensor device group probe |
status |
For sensor tree objects: status of the object (0=None, 1=Unknown, 2=Scanning, 3=Up, 4=Warning, 5=Down, 6=No Probe, 7=Paused by User, 8=Paused by Dependency, 9=Paused by Schedule, 10=Unusual, 11=Not Licensed, 12=Paused Until, 13=Down Acknowledged, 14=Down Partial) For messages: category of the log message For tickets: status of ticket (open, resolved, closed) |
sensors devices groups probes messages tickets |
message |
Detailed message of the sensor tree object (for example, last error of the sensor) or the history entry, log entry, ticket subject |
sensors devices groups probes messages tickets ticketdata history |
priority |
Priority setting of the sensor tree object or the priority of the log entry/ticket |
sensors devices groups probes messages tickets (not supported: schedule, notification, user) |
lastvalue |
Last sensor result value or channel values When used with channels, you must use lastvalue_ to automatically display volumes and speed. |
sensors channels |
upsens |
Number of sensors in the Up status
all sensors devices groups probes |
downsens |
Number of sensors in the Down status
all sensors devices groups probes |
downacksens |
Number of sensors in the Down (Acknowledged) status
all sensors devices groups probes |
partialdownsens |
Number of sensors in the Down (Partial) status
all sensors devices groups probes |
warnsens |
Number of sensors in the Warning status
all sensors devices groups probes |
pausedsens |
Number of sensors in the Paused status. This includes all Paused states ('paused by user', 'paused by dependency, 'paused by schedule', etc.). |
all sensors devices groups probes |
unusualsens |
Number of sensors in the Unusual status
all sensors devices groups probes |
undefinedsens |
Number of sensors in an undefined status, like None, Unknown, No Probe
all sensors devices groups probes |
totalsens |
Number of all sensors
all sensors devices groups probes |
size |
Performance impact of the sensor (1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Medium, 4=High, 5=Very High) |
sensors |
value |
The channel value or the Toplist value Should only be used as value_, because then it is expanded for all visible channels/toplist columns |
values topdata |
coverage |
Sensor coverage of the time span in a value table. |
values |
favorite |
An exclamation mark (!) if the sensor tree object is marked as favorite |
sensors devices groups probes |
user |
User responsible for a history entry or the user (or user group) a ticket is assigned to. |
history tickets ticketdata |
parent |
Name of the parent object of the associated object of a log message |
messages |
datetime |
Time stamp or time span of the object (for tickets: last modification) |
messages tickets ticketdata values history storedreports topidx |
dateonly |
Like datetime but only the date part |
messages tickets history values |
timeonly |
Like datetime but only the time part |
messages tickets history values |
schedule |
For sensor tree objects: Name of the associated schedule For reports: Report generation schedule |
probes groups devices sensors reports |
period |
Period of the report (day, week, etc.) |
reports |
Email address of the report |
reports |
template |
Template used by the report |
reports |
lastrun |
Time stamp of the last generation of a report |
reports |
nextrun |
Time stamp of the next generation of a report |
reports |
size |
Size of a stored report |
size of a stored report |
minigraph |
Numeric data for the minigraphs. Numbers are 5-minute averages for the last 24 hours (must be scaled to the maximum of the series). There are two datasets: "|" separates measured value series and error series. |
sensors |
deviceicon |
Device icon |
devices |
comments |
Object comments For tickets: related object |
all objects |
host |
Hostname or IP address |
devices |
devices |
For probes: probe status (0=Disconnected, 1=Unauthorized, 2=Connected, 3=Banned, 4=Init) For groups: auto-discovery status |
probes groups |
basetype |
Object type (string) |
all tree objects |
baselink |
URL of the object |
all tree objects |
icon |
URL of the device icon |
devices |
parentid |
ID of the parent object or ID of a ticket |
all tree objects tickets |
location |
Location property (used in Geo Maps) |
devices |
fold |
Subobjects are folded up (true) or down (false) For tickets: user (or user group) to which a ticket is assigned read it since last change |
probes groups tickets |
groupnum |
Number of groups or devices in the probe or group |
probes groups |
tickettype |
Type of ticket: user, notification, todo |
tickets |
modifiedby |
User who edited the ticket most recently |
tickets ticketdata |
actions |
Types of all ticket edits |
ticketdata |
content |
Text of the ticket that was added with the last edit |
ticketdata |
channel |
Number of channels with an ID greater than or equal to 0 |
sensors |
_key, _value |
Key value pair from the system table |
sysinfo (category: system) |
_displayname, _class, _caption |
Display name, class, and caption from the system table |
sysinfo (category: hardware) |
_user, _domain |
User and domain pair from the system table |
sysinfo (category: loggedonusers) |
_displayname, _creationdate, _processid |
Display name, creation date, and process id from the system table |
sysinfo (category: processes) |
_displayname, _state, _startmode |
Display name, state, and start mode from the system table |
sysinfo (category: services) |
_displayname, _version |
Display name and version pair from the system table |
sysinfo (category: software) |
Is there a list of log status values for the PRTG API?
How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?