Network attack monitoring with PRTG
Maintain the security of your network with the help of monitoring
- Monitor firewalls, virus scanners, security software, backups, and more
- Identify and eliminate weak spots in your IT infrastructure
- Analyze historical data for anomalies and unusual activities
PRTG network attack monitoring: What you’ll find on this page
- The threat of network attacks is growing
- What does network monitoring have to do with network attacks?
- What computer network attack monitoring looks like in PRTG
- 5 reasons why to choose PRTG as your network attack monitoring tool
- 3 ways to use PRTG to fight and prevent network attacks
- Monitor network attacks: FAQ
PRTG makes network security attack monitoring as easy as it gets
Custom alerts and data visualization let you quickly identify and prevent cyber security and data breach issues.
The threat of network attacks is growing
Companies have never been as vulnerable to network attacks as they are today. Hackers operate globally and generate income across the Internet.
Companies have come to realize that as their virtual presence grows, so does the number of gateways in their networks. These interfaces are used by hackers in an increasingly sophisticated manner, creating a problem that only gets worse as a company’s IT infrastructure becomes more complex.
Network attacks can damage your company in serious ways:
- Compromised websites and social media accounts
- Damaged brands and loss of trust due to leaked customer information or credit card data
- "Ransom" payments to regain access to your systems
- Theft of business secrets which incurs a cost of developing new security strategies
- Sales losses due to disrupted company activities following DDoS attacks, flooding, or botnets which diminish computing capacity
- Extensive property damage, injuries, or even deaths due to the hacking of critical infrastructures
- Personal liability including the incarceration of management if legal requirements have not been adhered to
What does network monitoring have to do with network attacks?
Network monitoring: A fundamental tool for IT security
Comprehensive network monitoring tools such as Paessler PRTG are vital for maintaining the security of your network – for what good does a firewall do that’s not available, or backup software that malfunctions?
With network monitoring software, you can keep a constant eye on security components, antivirus software, and backups, and automatically be warned in the event of trouble.
Network traffic recording: Detect suspicious activity
Network traffic analysis, which is included in PRTG, lets you monitor and check data traffic for suspicious behavior such as unusually high traffic loads.
It also helps you determine which data and systems are affected by network attacks that already happened. By evaluating historical data records, you can not only prevent cybersecurity issues like DDoS attacks, but also significantly reduce downtime.
What computer network attack monitoring looks like in PRTG
Diagnose network issues by continuously tracking the security of your entire network. Show unauthorized access, unusual network traffic, data breaches, unavailable firewalls, or malfunctioning antivirus software in real time. Visualize monitoring data in clear graphs and dashboards to identify problems more easily. Gain the overview you need to troubleshoot weak spots in your IT infrastructure that can present a security threat.
Start monitoring network attacks with PRTG and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.
5 reasons why to choose PRTG as your network attack monitoring tool
Reduce risks & complexity with centralized monitoring
For monitoring your network, PRTG is more effective at reducing risks and complexity than several individual tools working together.
Our all-in-one software effectively monitors all the devices and parameters in your entire network: servers, storage, connected devices such as routers, computers, and switches, traffic, and more. This helps to eliminate risks arising from weak spots and compatibility problems between tools.
Early warning system for suspicious network activity
PRTG acts as an early warning system against suspicious activity and anomalies in your network traffic, which are recorded and traced. This way, you can prevent malware and hackers who have already infiltrated the network from causing additional damage.
Easy-to-read dashboards provide an overview of your monitoring data. You can also have interrelated data displayed on your dashboard to establish correlations and draw conclusions.
Identify affected computers and network bottlenecks
PRTG measures and analyzes your network traffic and lets you filter it by IP address or protocol, for example. This way, you can quickly identify potential network bottlenecks, spot unusual spikes in activity, and shut down affected applications and systems.
Also, recorded network traffic data makes it easier to identify devices affected by an attack, and to recover these computers via countermeasures or the restoring of a backup or image.
Monitor & protect security measures in your network
By continuously keeping an eye on firewalls, antivirus software, and other security devices and tools, PRTG can warn you in the event of downtime that may be posing a security risk to your network. Faulty backups are also recorded. You can therefore take action before things go awry.
It also checks the functionality of security-relevant hardware components such as door locks or CCTV security cameras, as well as access rights to spaces like server rooms.
Get customizable real-time notifications and alerts
PRTG comes with a highly customizable alerting and notifications system out of the box. It lets you define granular warning and error thresholds and set up different notification triggers for various escalation levels. This way, you are able to intervene before further damage occurs.
What’s more: you can choose from several notification methods such as email, SMS, push notification, and others, and even define automation scripts to shut down affected systems.
3 ways to use PRTG to fight and prevent network attacks
Set up network security monitoring
- Traffic monitoring
- Firewall monitoring
- Virus scanner monitoring
- Backup monitoring
- Server monitoring
- Server room monitoring
Analyze historical monitoring data
- Determine the details of an attack that happened
- Retrieve the network traffic recording history
- Search for specific attack patterns
- Shut down the affected device and/or applications
Check network traffic for anomalies
- Add preconfigured PRTG sensors for monitoring traffic (via SNMP, packet sniffing, or flow protocols)
- Set up threshold values and notification triggers for traffic parameters
- Search for unusual patterns such as inexplicable load peaks or abnormally heavy traffic
- Introduce countermeasures against cyber attacks
Find the root cause of the problem with our PRTG network attack monitoring solution
Real-time notifications mean faster troubleshooting so that you can act before more serious issues occur.
Your network attack monitor at a glance – even on the go
Set up PRTG in minutes and use it on almost any mobile device.
Create innovative solutions with Paessler’s partners
Partnering with innovative vendors, Paessler unleashes synergies to create
new and additional benefits for joined customers.
PRTG makes network security attack monitoring as easy as it gets
Custom alerts and data visualization let you quickly identify and prevent cyber security and data breach issues.
Monitor network attacks: FAQ
What is network attack monitoring?
Network attack monitoring is the process of continuously observing and analyzing network activity to detect, respond to, and prevent malicious activities or security breaches.
It involves the use of various tools, techniques, and practices to ensure that any unauthorized or suspicious actions within a network are identified and mitigated immediately, for example:
- Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
- Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)
- Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Systems
- Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) tools
- Network monitoring tools
- Firewalls
- Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
- Threat intelligence platforms
- Continuous monitoring
- Incident response planning
- Threat hunting
- Network segmentation
What types of network attacks are there?
Network attacks can be categorized in various ways based on their objectives, techniques, and targets. Here's an overview of the major types of network attacks:
1. Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
- DoS attack: Flooding a network or server with traffic to exhaust resources and make it unavailable to legitimate users.
- DDoS attack: Similar to DoS but launched from multiple compromised devices, making it more difficult to mitigate.
- Botnets: Networks of compromised computers controlled remotely by attackers to perform coordinated attacks, often DDoS.
2. Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks
- Eavesdropping: Intercepting communications between two parties without their knowledge.
- Session hijacking: Taking over an active session between two parties by stealing session tokens.
3. Phishing and spear phishing attacks
- Phishing: Sending fraudulent communications, often emails, to trick individuals into providing sensitive information.
- Spear phishing: Targeted phishing attacks aimed at specific individuals or organizations, also “social engineering”.
4. SQL injection attacks
Exploiting vulnerabilities in an application's software by injecting malicious SQL queries to manipulate the database.
5. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Injecting malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users. These scripts can steal data, hijack user sessions, or perform unauthorized actions.
6. Malware attacks
- Viruses: Malicious code that attaches itself to a host file and spreads to other files.
- Worms: Standalone malware that replicates itself to spread to other devices.
- Trojan horses: Malicious software disguised as legitimate software.
- Ransomware: Encrypts the victim's data and demands ransom for the decryption key.
7. Credential-based attacks
- Brute force attack: Attempting all possible combinations of passwords until the correct one is found.
- Credential stuffing: Using a list of known username-password pairs, often from previous breaches, to gain unauthorized access.
8. Insider threats
Attacks originating from within the organization by trusted individuals who misuse their access rights.
9. Exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities
Taking advantage of known vulnerabilities in software or hardware that have not been patched or updated.
10. Network sniffing and spoofing
- Sniffing: Capturing and analyzing packets passing through a network.
- Spoofing: Pretending to be another device or user on a network to steal data, spread malware, or bypass access controls.
What are preventive measures against network attacks?
The best way to prevent network attacks is by reducing the number of weak spots in your network. Weak spots not only include software flaws, runtime errors, and complex IT infrastructures, but also careless employees.
Address software flaws
Always assume software is faulty, and that bugs will create gateways. Exploits use weak spots to gain access to external computers and install malware. These exploits are saved in “exploit kits” and sold to interested parties with convenient user interfaces. If you discover a weak spot and see that a patch or update is available, install the fix quickly–preferably with an automated update distributor that covers all the workstations in your company.
View IT security as an ongoing process
Technology never stops evolving, with software offering more and more new functions and security loopholes popping up endlessly. When new security software is released, there is already a hacker who knows how to crack it. This means you must view IT security as an ongoing task that never ends.
Set up comprehensive security measures
A comprehensive approach that goes beyond virus scanners and firewalls is vital to network security. IT security has expanded to include updates, training sessions, monitoring, intelligent security tools, and even collaboration with other companies in your sector to address current developments surrounding IT security issues.
Reduce IT complexity
The more complex your infrastructure, the more vulnerable your system. Simplify IT structures and minimize the number of tools you use to help ward off potential attacks. All software creates gateways, either itself or when run with other programs. By keeping things simple, you close off potential gateways and prevent hackers from finding a way inside.
Put IT security at the forefront
IT security should be a major consideration with any new project – and not just for those in charge of security and data protection. IT administrators and software developers must also be up to speed. And while management may pass on specific tasks, they should likewise stay informed of all security developments.
Stick to “state-of-the-art” technology
The law requires that companies use “state-of-the-art” technology, but allows for exceptions in certain situations. Companies must stay up-to-date on all technological developments. However, because the provisions are quite vague and spread out amongst several different regulations, it is recommended that you formulate a strategy with the advice of a legal professional.
Get employees on the same page
Employee training should be part of your security model. Your biggest challenge will be to entice employees who have little interest in IT security. Because your task is ongoing, proactive employee training should be an essential part of your approach.
Make it costly for hackers
Professional hackers have expenses and seek to make profits. They’re always on the lookout for lucrative targets that cost little to infiltrate. Companies can reduce attacks by using encryption, access control systems, and modern security solutions to make network attacks costly for hackers.
What kind of vulnerabilities should I address to prevent network attacks?
Block network attack routes
Common routes for network attacks include open ports, conventional email attachments with viruses, and Trojan horses or drive-by attacks when visiting malware-infected websites. Firewalls and antivirus software are recommended for blocking these routes.
Gone are the days when you could just scan for signatures. Simple pattern matching no longer cuts it in the fight against network attacks.
Prevent security loopholes
Today’s antivirus programs search for similarities to previous intrusions, shut down software suspected of dangerous activity, and allow for the safe encapsulation of malware. Clouds should also be checked on a regular basis.
Automated behavior analysis is a must, for the speed with which new threats arise can no longer be matched by humans on their own resources. But even machine learning tools require human know-how. Nowadays, firewalls may also come with prevention components that search for suspicious patterns.
Leverage technical instruments to root out malware
As systems become more complex and attack vectors become more intelligent, even modern virus scanners and firewalls are no longer sufficient. Plus, negligent workers offer hackers the possibility to bypass security programs and access the company network directly. Special technical instruments are therefore required to root out malware that has made its way into the network undetected.
Use an intrusion detection system
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are used to identify suspicious network traffic. These systems may start with switches (for example), where they will skim through data traffic and check for malware. Intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) can also be used to remove malware. The downside of these systems is that they must connect to your system to function. An IPS itself can therefore become an attractive target for hackers. To avoid false alarms during the detection process, the IDS should be incorporated into the company’s security strategy.
How can PRTG help prevent network attacks?
While PRTG cannot be used a substitute for an intrusion detection system, it comes with many functions that help to protect against cyberattacks:
- PRTG monitors your entire network: servers, storage devices, connected devices such as routers, computers, and printers, traffic, etc.
- With our all-in-one monitoring solution PRTG, you can do away with the weak spots which tend to crop up when using a variety of different programs
- Network recording lets you check your data for anomalies and serves as a database for IT security systems
- PRTG checks the functionality of firewalls, virus scanners, security software, and backups, as well as access rights to server rooms and other spaces
What is a sensor in PRTG?
In PRTG, “sensors” are the basic monitoring elements. One sensor usually monitors one measured value in your network, for example the traffic of a switch port, the CPU load of a server, or the free space on a disk drive.
On average, you need about 5-10 sensors per device or one sensor per switch port.
PRTG: The multi-tool for sysadmins
Adapt PRTG individually and dynamically to your needs and rely on a strong API:- HTTP API: Access monitoring data and manipulate monitoring objects via HTTP requests
- Custom sensors: Create your own PRTG sensors for customized monitoring
- Custom notifications: Create your own notifications and send action triggers to external systems
- REST Custom sensor: Monitor almost everything that provides data in XML or JSON format
More than just a monitoring tool:
Reasons our customers love PRTG
Paessler PRTG is used by companies of all sizes. Sysadmins love PRTG because it makes their job a whole lot easier. Bandwidth, servers, virtual environments, websites, VoIP services – PRTG keeps an eye on your entire network. Everyone has different monitoring needs. That’s why we let you try PRTG for free.Still not convinced?
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Start monitoring network attacks with PRTG and see how it can make your network more reliable and your job easier.
Network Monitoring Software - Version (January 9th, 2025) |
Hosting |
Download for Windows and cloud-based version PRTG Hosted Monitor available |
Languages |
English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese |
Pricing |
Up to 100 sensors for free (Price List) |
Unified Monitoring |
Network devices, bandwidth, servers, applications, virtual environments, remote systems, IoT, and more |
Supported Vendors & Applications |
Combining the broad monitoring feature set of PRTG with IP Fabric’s automated network assurance creates a new level of network visibility and reliability.