PRTG Manual: Priority and Favorites

You can set priorities for all your monitoring objects and also mark devices or sensors as favorites. Both settings affect how PRTG displays your objects.

i_round_bluePRTG stores priority and favorites settings for the entire installation. The settings are not user specific.

Priority for All Objects

The priority setting affects the order by which PRTG lists your objects in table lists. PRTG lists objects with a higher priority first. Furthermore, a device displays gauges for sensors with a high priority on its Overview tab.

To change the priority settings, right-click an object to open its context menu and select Priority/Favorite. You can choose from the top priority with 5 stars ( i_priority_5) to the lowest priority with one star (i_priority_1). By default, PRTG sets all objects to the medium priority with 3 stars (i_priority_3). In the page header bar and in table lists, you can directly set a priority via the star icons.

Context Menu: Priority

i_round_blueFor a sensor, select a priority of 4 or 5 stars to display its the gauge of its primary channel on the Overview tab of its parent device.

i_round_blueFor a map, select a priority of 5 stars to display it as a menu item under Home in the main menu bar.

Favorites for Devices and Sensors

To open a list of all your favorite devices or sensors, select Devices | Favorite Devices or Sensors | Favorite Sensors from the main menu bar. These lists are sorted by priority as well.

You can mark any device or sensor as a favorite to add it to the favorites list. Right-click an object to open its context menu. Select Priority/Favorite | Add to Favorites. PRTG adds a dark gray flag icon (i_flag_black) next to the object's name in the device tree to mark the object as a favorite.

Context Menu: Priority/Favorites (Add)

To remove an object from the favorites list, select Priority/Favorite | Remove from Favorites from the context menu. The flag icon turns transparent (i_flag_transparent).

Context Menu: Priority/Favorites (Remove)

There is also the option to add a device or sensor to your favorites with one click in the device tree. Click the flag icon to the right of the respective object name. To make an object a favorite, click i_flag_transparent. The flag turns dark gray. To remove an object from your favorites, click i_flag_black. The flag turns transparent.

One-Click Adding to Favorites in the Device Tree

Priority and Favorites in the Page Header Bar

You can also add any device or sensor to your favorites on the respective object's Overview tab. To do so, click i_flag_transparent_gray in the page header bar of a device or i_flag_transparent_green in the page header bar of a sensor. Click i_flag_blue for a device or i_flag_white for a sensor to remove the respective object from your favorites.

One-Click Favorite and Priority in the Page Header Bar

It is also possible to set the priority of an object via the five stars in the page header bar. i_priority_5 means top priority, i_priority_1 means lowest priority.