PRTG Manual: PRTG MultiBoard

PRTG MultiBoard is a PRTG extension that functions as an alternative interface for PRTG. It is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux and you can use it to connect to one or several independent PRTG core servers or PRTG Hosted Monitor instances to configure your setup, view monitoring results, and keep an eye on your network. It is a cross-platform application for fast access to data and monitoring management.

PRTG MultiBoard natively includes most PRTG features. For a few options, the application opens an external browser window using your default browser, for example, for system setup or probe installation.

i_round_bluePRTG MultiBoard is mainly designed to review and manage PRTG installations that you already set up. If you have just started with monitoring, we recommend that you first run through the smart setup in the PRTG web interface and add your network devices there. Once finished, you can seamlessly switch to PRTG MultiBoard.

i_podPRTG Hosted Monitor supports connections from PRTG MultiBoard. For more information, see section Using PRTG Hosted Monitor.

i_square_cyanDownload the PRTG MultiBoard from the Paessler website: PRTG MultiBoard.


i_square_cyanFor more information, see the PRTG MultiBoard and PRTG app for desktop manual (PDF).



PRTG version

Your PRTG core server or PRTG Hosted Monitor instance must run as of PRTG 17.4.35.

PRTG license type

You must be a Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor user.

i_round_bluePRTG Network Monitor users can use the general features of PRTG MultiBoard with the Paessler PRTG app for desktop.

General Features

General features include Multi-Edit, Desktop Alerts, and Compare Sensors.

i_round_blueThese features are available for PRTG Network Monitor users.

MultiBoard Features

MultiBoard features include the MultiBoard, Probe Transfer, Configuration Viewer, and Template Transfer features.

MultiBoard window

With MultiBoard, you can connect to several independent servers to view their data and manage your monitoring centrally. Within the MultiBoard pages, you can find the following:

  • Dashboard: Use different widget types to show overviews of your configured servers at a glance.
  • Details: Display all sensors of all configured servers as a sensor list or in a more detailed table view.
  • Report: Display an overview of the number of sensors on each connected server and in total, and the number of sensors that show a specific status.
  • Sets: Group sensors into customized sensor sets across all your PRTG core servers and PRTG Hosted Monitor instances.
  • Overview: View and edit all device tree objects in all of your PRTG core servers and PRTG Hosted Monitor instances.


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

Which audible notifications are available in the PRTG web interface and in the PRTG app for desktop?

How do I troubleshoot erratic behavior of push notifications in the PRTG app for desktop or PRTG apps?



How to set up notifications for the PRTG app for desktop

Paessler PRTG MultiBoard