PRTG Manual: Tickets

PRTG has its own ticket system. A ticket includes information about recent events in your PRTG installation that need a closer look. Each ticket is a task for a particular user or user group.

Each task has a life cycle in the ticket system. The task's life cycle starts when a ticket is created. The users who are responsible then take care of this issue. Once the issue has been resolved, the ticket can be closed and the life cycle of the task ends. PRTG automatically creates tickets, for example, when the auto-discovery has finished, and you can create tickets for every kind of issue as well. In addition, you can set up notifications that open a ticket when an issue occurs.

Every ticket has a unique ID, a priority, and a status. You can open, resolve, or close a ticket.

PRTG can also send an email to you whenever a ticket is assigned to you or if one of your tickets has been changed.

i_round_blueExcept for administrator groups, you can disable the ticket system for particular user groups under Setup | System Administration | User Groups. You can also disable ticket emails for every user account.

Ticket Types

There are three types of tickets:



User Tickets

User tickets are created by users, for example, to assign monitoring-related tasks to a particular user account or user group.

ToDo Tickets

ToDo tickets are created by PRTG to show important system information and to inform you about specific system events. ToDo tickets are assigned to the predefined PRTG Administrators group. You cannot change the user group to which PRTG assigns ToDo tickets and you cannot disable ToDo tickets.

i_round_blueUsers that belong to an administrator group do not receive new ToDo tickets and notifications about changes by default, only the predefined PRTG System Administrator user does. You cannot change this behavior.

See the following examples for cases in which PRTG creates a ToDo ticket:

  • The auto-discovery created new devices or sensors.
    i_round_blueIn the ticket, PRTG only lists the device templates that it used to create the sensors.
  • A new probe has connected to the PRTG core server and you must acknowledge it.
  • A new cluster node has connected to the cluster and you must acknowledge it.
  • A new version of the software is available.
  • A new report is ready for review.
  • In a few other situations, for example, the system is running out of disk space, there are license issues, or an error occurs.

i_round_blueThe related object of ToDo tickets is System.

Notification Tickets

Notification tickets are created via notifications that you set in the notification template settings.

Ticket States

Tickets can have three different states:






New tickets are open as long as the issue that is described in the ticket exists.



The issue that is described in the ticket does not persist any longer because a user resolved it.



A user resolved the ticket, the solution to the issue was reviewed for correctness, and the ticket does not require any other action.

Tickets (Main Menu)

i_round_blueThis option is only available in the main menu bar if the user group to which the logged in user belongs is allowed to use the ticket system. You can disable a user group's access to the ticket system in the user group settings under Setup | System Administration | User Groups. Read-only users never have access to the ticket system and cannot see the Tickets option in the main menu bar.

You have several options to display a list of tickets that is filtered to your needs. In the main menu bar, click Tickets to show all open tickets that are assigned to you. Hover over Tickets to show other available filter options:



My Tickets

Click to show all open tickets that are assigned to you. Hover over My Tickets to show other options to filter these tickets according to their status: Open, Resolved, Closed, or All.

All Tickets

Click to show all open tickets of all users. Hover over All Tickets to show other options to filter these tickets according to their status: Open, Resolved, Closed, or All.

ToDo Tickets

Click to show all open tickets of the ToDo type. Hover over ToDo Tickets to show other options to filter these tickets according to their status: Open, Resolved, Closed, or All.

Click Open to show all open ToDo tickets. Hover over Open to show other options to filter these tickets according to their event type: All, Report Related, Auto-Discovery Related, Probe Related, Cluster Related, System Errors, or New Software Version.

Add a User Ticket

From the main menu bar, select Tickets | Add Ticket, or hover over b_add and click Add Ticket. This opens the Add Ticket dialog.

Step 1: Select the object to which the new ticket is related via the object selector. Click OK.
i_round_blueYou can skip step 1 if you use an object's context menu in the device tree to open the ticket.

Step 2: Provide the following information and click OK to create a user ticket:

  • Subject: Enter a subject for the ticket that indicates the topic of the issue.
  • Assigned to: From the dropdown list, select a user or a user group that is responsible for this issue.
  • Priority: Define a priority from the lowest priority (i_priority_1) to the top priority (i_priority_5).
  • Comments: Enter a message. This message should describe the issue in detail.

After you open a new user ticket, a corresponding list of tickets appears. In this table list, you can sort the items by clicking the column headers. Additionally, several search options are available in the filter directly above the table:




all, open, resolved, closed


Tickets, User Tickets, ToDo Tickets, Notification Tickets

Assigned To

Show only tickets that are assigned to a specific user or user group:

  • anyone: Apply no user filter and show all tickets.
  • me: Show tickets that are assigned to you (the user who is logged in).
  • Groups: Show tickets that are assigned to a specific user group. The displayed user groups are specific to your setup.
  • Users: Show tickets that are assigned to a specific user. The displayed users are specific to your setup.
  • Disallowed: Display users or user groups that do not have access rights to the selected object. This is for your information only. You cannot select disallowed users or user groups.

Related To

Specify the relationship to a monitoring object. Select groups, probes, devices, or sensors with the object selector.

i_round_blueToDo tickets are related to System.

Changed Between

Define a time span to view tickets that changed during this time. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time.

Click the subject of a ticket to open the ticket.

An Open ToDo Ticket with Instructions


The following actions are available for a specific ticket:



Edit (b_trigger_edit)

Open a dialog where you can change the subject and the priority of the ticket, as well as assign the ticket to a different user. You can optionally add a message to this ticket. Click OK to apply your changes.

Assign (b_ticket_assign)

Open a dialog where you can give the ticket to a different user or user group. Select a user or a user group via the dropdown list. You can optionally add a message to this ticket. Click OK to apply your changes.

Resolve (b_ticket_resolve)

Open a dialog where you can resolve the ticket. The status resolved indicates that the issue that is described in this ticket does not persist anymore. You can optionally add a message to this ticket that indicates, for example, what was done to resolve the issue. Click OK to apply your changes.

Close (b_ticket_close)

Open a dialog where you can close the ticket after the issue was resolved and reviewed. You can optionally add a message to this ticket. Click OK to apply your changes.

Reopen (b_ticket_reopen)

Open a dialog where you can reopen a ticket after it was resolved or closed. Do so, for example, if the solution to the issue was not correct. You can optionally add a message to this ticket that indicates, for example, why you have opened the ticket again. Click OK to apply your changes.

i_round_blueOnly user group members that have the respective access rights can view and edit tickets that are related to a certain monitoring object.

Tickets as Emails

You can receive all tickets that are assigned to you or to your user group as emails. PRTG also notifies you via email each time a ticket that is assigned to you or to your user group is edited. This way, you are always informed about new notifications (if you enabled this setting), important system information (if you are an administrator), or the communication between other users.

You can disable the setting Email Notifications in the user account settings under Setup | System Administration | User Accounts. If you select Do not receive any emails from the ticket system for a specific user account, this particular user does not receive ticket emails anymore.

i_round_blueIf you defined to receive tickets as emails and you are the predefined PRTG System Administrator user, you receive emails for ToDo tickets as well, although ToDo tickets are usually opened by the PRTG System Administrator user.